if you write out your priorities…
How long would it take until you wrote down yourself?
make yourself a priority
If I asked you to write down your priorities, how long would it take until you wrote down yourself?
My name is Jessie Lockhart. I’m a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach. I work with women who feel stuck or frustrated with their health and I empower them to make themselves a priority so they can transform their health through holistic-based practices.
let’s link arms & Transform together
Do you feel burned out while constantly on the go? Get guidance while we prioritize self-care so that you don’t feel like you’re running yourself into the ground.
busy moms
Struggle to make time for yourself due to the overwhelm of managing the household and parenting? Get the energy to keep up with your kids and set the example.
millennial women
Tired of feeling like crap & want to get back to a previous version of yourself, but don’t know where to start? Learn about our holistic health and non-toxic living approach.
achieve total transformation
I’ve been through it. I know how it feels to be uncomfortable in your body, to want more out of it, and just want to feel better. I put myself through a transformation and saw the results of consistency and hard work. I saw what was missing from my own experience with a trainer and I filled those gaps myself.
The Swoleistic Co. exists because I felt called to step up and fill those gaps for other women. To look at the WHOLE picture of someone’s health, not just their workouts and macro numbers. To take into account their mindset, gut health, and hormone function in addition to strength training.
how it Works
The stories you’re telling yourself & the beliefs you have will make or break your journey.
gut health
Your gut function has a massive impact on your overall health & wellness.
hormone function
Balanced hormones are a key building block to achieving optimal health & wellness.
muscle building
Muscle is the most underrated organ in our body. Muscle is the key to our longevity.
about jessie lockhart
Founder of swoleistic co.
I’ve been in your shoes before. I’ve felt burned out, exhausted, and frustrated. I’ve been unhappy in my own body and craved something better.
But what I want you to know is that you are strong enough, smart enough, and capable enough to achieve whatever you want in life. You don’t have to settle for “just OK” or “this is bearable.” You deserve to feel incredible, to have energy, to feel at peace in your mind and strong in your body.